I remember...

The first things I remember as a kid are growing up in the homestead house in Anchorage Alaska.  It was out in the middle of nowhere and we played for hours outside making mud pies getting dirty and playing with our Norwegian Elkhound “Yenta”. 

It was a cool house that was laid out so you could run from room to room and they all connected.  We used to run in circles yelling and laughing and being noisy kids.  But my favorite memory is finding a permanent marker, hiding under the kitchen table and drawing my masterpieces on the bottom of the table.  I also drew masterpieces on the back of the couch – I was so bad!  Years later when Mom and Dad finally got rid of the old couch, they cut out the back panel and saved my drawings.  I think they still have it rolled up somewhere…

Years later, the homestead house is gone and I’ve moved to another town.  Yet here I am still running through the house yelling and laughing and making noise; and still taking permanent markers to things!


  1. That's a neat story about growing up, do you have a picture of your house? I am enjoying your bird pictures.

    1. When I visit my folks, I'll dig through their old photos to see if I can find one of the old house.
